Get Your Book Done in This Lifetime is Drafted -- Book Launch Jan 2021

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When I started writing my book in June of 2019, I planned to finish it early in 2020. However, the pandemic and my Dad’s terminal illness meant that I had to take a nine month break in working on the book.

Despite these obstacles, I finished the book three months after I re-started at the end of August 2020. That’s when I hired a designer and formatter, FireWire Creative and picked up writing the fourth of five sections of the book, Publish Your Book.

That section and the last section, Market Your Book, were the most challenging to write because I hadn’t published or marketed a book before. I had worked with clients on some aspect of this process, but had to do a lot of research to fill in the gaps.

Today, I finished Chapter 16, the last chapter of the book. My copyeditor and proofreader has already edited and proofread the first four sections and now will start working on the fifth section. Once I get his comments back, I will make any necessary changes and then send the book on for formatting.

My plan is to release the book by the end of January.

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