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I want your book to show your life's work, not be your life's work.

Let's get it done!

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 Getting your business book from drawer to done.

Ghostwriting and cheerleading for financial advisors, financial services executives and fintech entrepreneurs


A book isn’t just a marketing tool. It’s a legacy.

Sure, it’s great to give a talk and hand out your book at the end. To be able to lay out what you do, why you do it, and what makes you great at it -- all in a format that someone will devour from a comfy leather chair over the weekend, and put down only to call your office for an appointment.

And, no doubt, it adds a nice touch of gravitas after your name. “Author” is every bit as impressive a flourish as “PhD.”

To add to that, a book is an investment. (You know something about those.) Once it’s published, it’ll pay dividends for years to come.

But more than that…


It’s a monument to your life’s work.

It documents how you made the world a better place.

So...How soon would you like to hold yours in your hands?

If the answer is, “ASAP,” you’re in the right place.

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Amy Buttell: is an effective storyteller who can convey your message in your own personal tone and style. This is rare. I couldn’t have done it without her!
— Heather Zumarraga, Senior VP & Market Strategist, Vision 4 Fund Distributors

Our mission together:

a book you can take to the bank (and hold in your hands).

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Hi, I’m Amy Buttell.

I work with pros who are too busy closing deals to write their book.

I’ve helped hundreds of financial experts to get their words on the page -- in a way that makes their ideas clear, substantial, and memorable.

I’m a champion at translating industry jargon, mish-mashed ideas, and data-based gobbledygook into compulsively readable, clear-as-a-(closing)-bell stories.

Stories that actual, non-industry humans want to read.


You know too much.

I know just enough.
